SACSC Congress 2024


  Member Rate Non-member Rate
Individual Delegate R9,250.00 + VAT, per person R16,250.00 + VAT, per person
Group: 5 Delegates or more R8,000.00 + VAT, per person R15,000.00 + VAT, per person
Leader of the Future * R4,750.00 + VAT, per person R11,750.00 + VAT, per person
Student ** R2,750.00 + VAT, per person R2,750.00 + VAT, per person

* Must be under 29 years of age on 1 January 2024, ie member who is still in their 20’s. Copy of ID to be provided.

** Full time registered students who are NOT employed. Copy of registration and letter from Institution to be provided with application.

Optional Extra Social Events:
Networking Round Table Lunch R495.00 + VAT, per person
Offsite Social Event R1,000.00 + VAT, per person
Cocktail (Delegate Guest) R2,000.00 + VAT, per person
As space is limited, booking is essential if you wish to attend the optional extra social event(s).

Kindly note that our online bookings have closed, however you can still book through our manual booking form.

Should you have any queries related to your existing application or booking. Please contact Sheila on +27 (0) 10 300 6096 or email